That’s the status of our library account right now!
We almost never have fewer than 60 books checked out. 8-10 of them are *parental* and the rest are the kids’.
A lot of people are neither aware nor take full advantage of the library resources available to them. Most local libraries are part of larger networks and permit cross-borrowing.
We are fortunate to live within an incredibly huge and well-funded one. I reserve materials (books, audiobooks, and occasionally DVDs) over the web and they get delivered to my local branch – pretty rapidly I might add. They just about, in one far-flung branch or another, have had every book I’ve tried to reserve.
Many libraries now even allow their patrons to check out books on Kindle – for free!
There’s most certainly a recipe/formula for turning children into bibliophiles. But first and foremost the kids have to see their parents reading all the time; they have to see their parents looking to books for guidance, enjoyment, and self-education.
For more on how my wife and I were able to create book reading monsters….please sign up for my free tips in the right hand margin.
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